THE BIBLE MADE SIMPLE — Begins January 13
MONDAYS, 7 pm: Minister Chuks Ugbome. This eight-week course provides an overall picture of the Bible in nine different ways: six ways in the Old Testament and three ways in the New Testament, forming a strong framework upon which you can build on for the rest of your life. This is an excellent and quick way for anyone to understand a skeletal framework of the Bible.
MONDAYS, 7 pm: Minister Edith Gabriel-Moon. This class will break down how to know your gift and how to live it. You will have a better understanding of who you are and what God is requiring of you. We will cover and discuss: How do you know you are a prophet/prophetess, and the characteristics of a prophet/prophetess.
BIBLE IN 90 DAYS — Begins January 7
TUESDAYS, 7 pm: Ministers Yvonne Regis and Judy Smith. This 14-week course is designed to challenge individuals “to read, attentively, every word of the Bible in 90 days.” The class will provide everything you need to accomplish this chal- lenge, including guided discussions, video lessons, accounta- bility, fellowship, and encouragement. It will also help you ful- fill that yearning desire to read through the entire Bible and see the big picture.
THE GIFT OF PROPHECY — Begins January 16
THURSDAYS 7 pm: Minister Deena Anand. The operation of the gift of prophecy is encouraged by Peter (I Peter 4:11), and Paul says that it is within the potential of every believer (I Cor. 14:31). There are specific guidelines for the operation of this gift, as with all gifts of the Holy Spirit, to ensure that one gift does not supplant the exercise of others or usurp the authority of spiritual leadership. Further, all such prophecy is subordinated to the plumbline of God's eternal Word, the Bible, the standard by which all prophetic utterance in the Church is to be judged. (I Cor. 14:26-33; Eph. 1:17-19; 2 Pet. 1:16-19).
THURSDAYS, 7 pm: Ministers Sachia Khasar, and Funmi Adeo- la Ogunsekan). In this eight-week class, we will discuss: Who is the Holy Spirit? Have you been baptized in the Holy Spirit since you accepted Jesus Christ? Are the gifts of the Holy Spirit manifested in your ministry?
PRACTICING THE WAY — Begins January 17
FRIDAYS, 7 pm: Pastor Niel van Staden. This is an eight-week course designed to help you understand what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. For those new to the faith, it will get you started on the journey of spiritual formation; for those who have grown some, it will help you get unstuck if you’ve stalled out, or just guide you into taking your next step. Ultimately, the goal is to train you to live as an apprentice of Jesus: to be with Jesus, become like Him, and do as He did. Study book: Prac- ticing the Way, by John Mark Comer, author of The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry.
FRIDAYS, 7 pm: Pastor Lydia Soto-Torres. Excellent, ongoing Bible study from Genesis through Revelation, rightly dividing the Word of God.