
Celebrate Recovery (CR) is a Christ-centered 12-step program that helps people address their hurts, hang-ups, and habits. We provide a warm, inviting and safe environment for people to celebrate recovery!

CR is made up of everyday people who are on a journey toward wholeness, seeking recovery from and celebrating God's healing of life's hurts, habits and hang-ups. Trained leaders provide safe, confidential, Christ-centered groups where people can grow. They offer their stories as fellow travelers on the journey to healing.

CR is led by Elliott and Cheryl Ware.
They are passionate about helping people and seeing them walk in freedom. 

Celebrate Recovery is for you if you have experienced:

  • thoughts or emotions (such as depression, fear, anxiety, anger, etc.) that result in actions or attitudes that affect your life negatively
  • abuse (verbal, physical, sexual, religious) from which you have not received complete healing
  • loss of a loved one through death, divorce or separation
  • the inability to control your actions or reactions to other people or situations

We have all experienced disappointment and pain, and developed coping mechanisms that, at the time, helped us to deal with the issue. However, we may have continued using those coping mechanisms even though they no longer help us, and may actually harm us and those we love.

Simply put, we need a God-intervention; we need someone more powerful than ourselves to break our cycle and heal us from the inside out. That Higher Power is Jesus Christ.

what to expect

Celebrate Recovery starts at 7:00 pm, where we study the 12 steps to wholeness through lessons and testimonies. At 8:00 pm we break into small groups where we are free to share what we are going through, and to receive strength, hope and experience through the sharing of others. We then close the evening with fellowship, so people can get to know each other a little better. This road to recovery is not meant to be traveled alone.

CR Contact

We would love to answer any questions you have.